August 27th is National Petroleum Day so we thought our August blog should focus on the oil and gas industry. This industry has certainly been a volatile one for the past couple of years. The COVID-19 pandemic, OPEC and the green energy movement/climate concerns have all had a significant impact on that volatility. However, the market may be changing with crude prices beginning to rise. These market conditions all point to our oil and gas customers needing specialty rolled threaded fasteners and quality support soon.
Rolled Threads Unlimited is proud to serve our oil and gas customers. Regardless of where you stand concerning green energy, this industry serves an essential function and provides a vital resource to our country and the world. We are especially proud of when we can go above and beyond the call of duty for any of our customers.
We recently had a customer who sourced a high-volume part overseas (Rolled Threads Unlimited was considered their secondary source). This part was an integral component to their machinery. This overseas source let them down due to a quality issue and the replacement parts were not available due to long lead times and international shipping delays.
They reached out to us to see if we could help. While steel supply is tight and lead times are extended, we were still able to produce high quality replacement parts faster than their supplier. A large part of our success was due to our commitment to quality assurance and our supply of threaded rod on hand. This customer was extremely pleased with our efforts and stated that they’d consider elevating us from the secondary source to their primary source for this component.
Rolled Threads Unlimited partners with our customers to find the best solution and product. We are committed to quality and want to be your trusted source. We also do our utmost to fulfill orders quickly. This can be challenging in today’s era of shipping delays, logistic troubles and material scarcity. It is vital for customers to get orders in as soon as possible. Lead times are lengthening and we want to ensure that you have the parts you need to do your job well.